Regarding the bidding of the high-speed railway in IndonesiaーJapan lost to the China’s strategy

Compass  インドネシア高速鉄道入札で―中国戦略に負けた日本 荒木光弥
『International Development Journal』 2015 October edition
Railway building without national debt

In bidding competition to win the big business deal of the high-speed railway (or Shinkansen, bullet train) connecting the Indonesian capital Jakarta and Bandung (140km), Japan lost to the China’s strategic proposal. This was a significantly shocking event, when considering the history of Japanese aid to Indonesia.

Indonesia perhaps being aware of the significant impact this could give, Sofyan Djalil, the head of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency, travelled to Tokyo as a presidential envoy. Sofyan visited the Prime Minister’s office to deliver the decision directly to the Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary on 29 September. Such an extraordinary protocol by the Indonesian government tells how determined they are in this matter. That is to say, while appreciating the long-lasting cooperation of Japan, Indonesia is now determined to turn to a new way of public investment – private-sector loans-and-investments basis – which would not cause further accumulation of national debt.

Let us, firstly, compare the respective proposals of Japan and China. In terms of the estimated total costs, it is 5 billion US dollars in the Japanese plan, and 6 billion dollars in the Chinese one; the China’s is more expensive by 1 billion dollars. As for the completion year, the China’s plan is to complete by 2018, which is three years sooner than the Japanese proposal of 2021. The completion of the project by 2018 means that the railway construction would finish while President Joko Widodo is still in office, thus this brings him a political advantage in the next presidential election. Regarding the loan terms, Japan proposed a low-interest-rate yen loan, while China offered an investment-style funding which is to provide loans and investments to a joint enterprise between China and Indonesia. This scheme would not create Indonesian national debt, nor require a government guarantee.

As the Japan’s ODA loans absolutely require the Indonesian government’s guarantee, Japan had no chance of winning in this competition. The Japanese government has long held ODA-based yen loans as a main medium for high-quality infrastructure export strategy; however, if the competitor aims to offer a public investment without governmental debt, then the yen loans are no longer versatile. If the Chinese style of proposals spread, the international repercussion would not be insignificant. It is possible that the Chinese way of railway projects such as this one will become common among the developing countries.

China aims to realize a railway project also in a developed country, namely the United States, in a joint venture. China Railway Corporation expects to start constructing, jointly with the American passenger service National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak), a 370-kilometer long railway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas in September 2016. Japan’s Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) once made an attempt in bidding with Shinkansen-style high-speed rail service in vain, as China proposed with low costs which were a half or one-third of what companies from the developed countries offered. It was no match.

It appears that such international moves of China are centered on the China Railway Corporation, which is under the direct control of President Xi Jinping. Behind them, some say, one can detect the shadow of the German railway equipment manufacturer Siemens of Germany , which actively supported the Chinese-led creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.(AIIB)

Rise in power of the pro-China faction

It is possible that the Chinese-style railway construction proposal had already been agreed and a memorandum for cooperation with the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission in building the high-speed rail service had been signed, at the time of President Joko’s visit to Chaina and after Japan in March 2015. It is Ms Rini Soemarno, Indonesia’s Minister for State-owned Enterprises who is in charge of the matter, and she may have heard of the Chinese-style joint venture railway project in the US, when she visited China accompanying President Joko in March. It seems, therefore, the high-speed rail contract was already decided to be carried out in the Chinese way.

Some say that Rini is close to Megawathi Sukarnoputri, the leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, and pro-Chinese politician, and President Joko belongs to the same party. Normally, Megawathi as the party leader was supposed to run for the presidency, but the candidacy was reportedly switched to Jokowi for his popularity was jumping. Jokowi too is regarded as basically pro-China. Indonesian politics is fluid and the time to rely on the mainstream conservatives around Suharto-Yudhoyono is now passing. This was felt acutely in the railway shock of this time. The Japanese diplomatic networking is becoming obsolete.

Limit to yen loans

Now, let us sort out the problems. It is the limit of the yen loan in the infrastructure export. The Japanese government attaches great importance to yen loans, as if this is the only weapon in the exporting policy of the infrastructure. Provision of yen loans was used as a major diplomatic card, when the international liquidity was lacking. Those developing countries with certain level of advancement procure their own fund from the market, and private investment fund too can flow in.

Japan has 130 some countries as Aid recipients, out of which only some 10 countries wish yen loans. In particular, more advanced developing countries with which sizable investments are in high demand tend not to want yen loan cooperation as they used. For instance, a tied-aid scheme called STEP (Special Terms for Economic Partnership), ODA loans whose conditions are to utilize Japanese excellent technology, tends to be kept away even by Viet Nam, which is a pro-Japan country.

The Japanese government cannot provide yen loans without guarantee of the partner government. This is an international rule and the government cannot lend tax payers’ money without collateral.

In the Indonesian high-speed rail project, however, the Indonesian government went against the standard practice and designed public works without national debt, and it is achieving the objective via a joint venture with Beijing. Even if they did it on equal basis, Indonesian side cannot afford 50% of the cost. China seems likely to make a loan for this fund too, which suggests their offering an all-embracing joint venture deal. This is a typically Chinese, state-led way of doing a project.

Nevertheless, the Japanese government still regards yen loans as a powerful tool for the export of infrastructure, as if this is the golden rule. The ODA loan system has been in place for 60 years without renewing its design. In the new era, it is not as effective as before in responding to the competitive international bidding of large-scale infrastructure projects.

The ODA loans which are completely untied, by nature, only provide funding to the developing countries, therefore it can play only a limited role in national-interest-related projects of infrastructure export. Knowing this or not, lawmakers have unreasonably high expectations for yen loans.

If the government wants to make the Public-Private Partnership(PPP) as the pillar of international aid policy, it needs to create a new financial system which allows to bring out the power of the Japanese private sector. At the same time, why not entertaining a new policy that enables to win large projects without fail, using grant schemes.

By Mitsuya Araki, Editor-in-chief of IDJ

***** 以下、日本語原文 *****

羅針盤  インドネシア高速鉄道入札で―中国戦略に負けた日本










一説によると、リニ大臣は闘争民主党の党首メガワティに近く、親中派と目されているが、ジョコ大統領も闘争民主党に属している。本来ならば、党首メガワティが大統領選に出馬するところを、人気急上昇のジョコウィにスイッチしたと伝えられており、体質的には親中派とも見られている。インドネシアの 政治は流動的であり、スハルト―ユドヨノという保守本流の人脈だけを頼りにする時代ではなくなりつつあると言える。今回こそ時代の変化を痛感したことはない。日本の人脈形成は退化している。










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