Argument Continues Between Afghanistan and the International Community on Possible Rebuilding of the Bamiyan Buddha Statues

『International Development Journal』 2018 April edition

Discussion continues amongst the Afghanistan government, scholars, citizens’ groups, and the international community, on how to pass on the world heritage that is the Buddha Statues in Bamiyan to future generations. While German and Italian teams proposed a plan to rebuild the destroyed Buddha Statues, Japan has also suggested preserving them in their destroyed state in an archaeological park as an example of  “negative history”.  Some decision on which way to go will be decided by the summer.

First Meeting Amid Ongoing Terrorism

On February 19 this year, the initial working group meeting on the preservation of the Bamiyan Buddhas was held at the Ministry of Information and Culture in Kabul, the Afghan capital. Its members are executives of the Ministry, politicians, archaeological scholars, as well as citizens’ groups engaged in the protection of cultural heritages. They are all Afghani. Mr. Mohammad Rasul Bawary, the Acting Minister of Information and Culture, said, “We would like to create public debate on whether to rebuild the Bamiyan Buddha Statues.” 

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) supports the working group and serves as the Secretariat. While suicide bombings continued in Afghanistan that caused delays to the meeting schedule, it was good news that the first meeting could be held.

Blown Up by the Taliban

Bamiyan is a Buddhist heritage in the Silk Road valley, approximately 230 km northwest of Kabul. There are two big east and west Buddha statues carved into a cliff in the 6th century AD, and wall paintings painted in many caves. A famous Chinese monk, Xuanzang, arrived in the 7th century and wrote in his travel book “Great Tang Records on the Western Regions” that, at the time, there was also a huge reclining Buddha. It is possible that it has been buried underground for a long time and an excavation survey may result in significant findings.

In 1971, the Japanese Emperor visited the site when he was the Crown Prince in 1971. At that time, when Afghanistan was a monarchy, Bamiyan was a popular international tourist destination.

However, the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban rejected all idols and blew up the statues in 2001. In the following year 2002, I (Yukifumi Takeuchi) accompanied the Japanese painter, Mr. Ikuo Hirayama’s visit to Bamiyan. At that time, he was a President of Tokyo University of the Arts and a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.  He quietly sketched the Buddha statues, which were destroyed mercilessly by the Taliban, and appealed for registration and protection to the World Heritage. However, he had negative ideas regarding reconstruction of the statues and said, “It should be left, as it is, as a message for the future as a negative heritage of mankind like the Hiroshima A- Bomb Dome and the Auschwitz Concentration Camp of Nazis Germany in Poland so that such barbarianism is never repeated.” He, himself, also had a memory and thoughts as a “Hibakusha”, one of the surviving victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima.

Reconstruction Expectations Emerged in the Middle East

Bamiyan’s landscape and heritages were registered as a World Heritage in Danger in 2003. However, it has a strong principle of World Heritage that reconstruction is not allowed. This is because it is important to keep “authenticity” of cultural property.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing demand for exceptional rules recognizing the rebuilding of world heritage sites. It is because the destruction and looting of cultural assets by outlaws including terrorist groups of Islamic States (IS) in Iraq and Syria has become more serious. Mr. Masanori Nagaoka, a head of the cultural department of the UNESCO Kabul office, says, “If the people’s identity to their history and culture becomes stronger thanks to the reconstruction of cultural assets, and it contributes to peace-building, we would like to lay the foundations of reconstruction rules in Bamiyan.”

In 2016, the Afghan government requested the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to rebuild at least one of the two Buddha Statues.”  Bamiyan Province Governor, Mr. Tahir Zuhair, said, “We, in Bamiyan, had local tourism income of 100-150 million dollars in the 1970s during the royal government period. Considering the current security situation, the number of tourists will not increase soon.  However, by rebuilding of the Buddha Statues, we can expect more sustainable development. “

Japan, Germany and Italy Proposals

In autumn, 2017, an international conference on Bamiyan was held at Tokyo University of the Arts in Ueno, Tokyo, and approximately 80 people participated. The three teams of Japan, Germany and Italy proposed different preservation measures of the Bamiyan heritage.

It was Germany that started to work earlier responding the Afghan government. The German military  dispatched to Afghani multinational forces brought steel frames to Bamiyan. They built a foothold and rebuilt the broken legs of the Buddha Statue on the east side in 2013. The German team was criticized by others because there was not enough coordination beforehand with UNESCO.

Germany has a history of assisting the Afghans, competing with the UK and former Soviet Union before the Second World War. It provided a Lufthansa Airlines’ direct flight to Afghanistan. Many of Kabul’s early reinforced concrete buildings were built by the Germans. At the Ueno conference, a German expert said that “We already collected debris of the destroyed Buddhas and can rebuild using the original material.”

Among Asian countries, the Republic of Korea assists in building a cultural center in Bamiyan investing several hundred million dollars. In 2015, Chinese Tsinghua University researchers reproduced the original image of the Buddha on the cliff wall of Bamiyan with 3D images. China proposes building a stone monument of Chinese letters showing Xuanzang’s visit to Bamiyan. There are views that it is a part of the idea of ​​increasing Chinese influence in the “Belt and Road Initiatives” in Afghanistan.”

The Idea of a Park with Buddha’s Monument

The Japanese government has a policy of “promoting self-reliance of Afghanistan and not making it a home for terrorism”. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) supports the renovation of Bamyan Airport and builds roads and irrigation. On the other hand, when it assists cultural property protection, it considers the effect of tourism promotion. So, while Japan promotes the protection of world heritage of Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex in Iran, it is not yet done in Afghanistan. Since 2002, the Japanese government has devoted 700 million yen to support Bamiyan from the “Japan Trust Fund for Conservation of Cultural Heritage” established in UNESCO.

The Japanese scholar team maintains a cautious stand about rebuilding the Buddha statues. They recommend that the statues should be preserved as broken at an archaeological park with a museum and a monument of the Buddha statues.

A visiting professor (in Asian cultural history) of the Tokyo National University of Arts, Dr. Kosaku Maeda, the head of the Japanese team, says, “For rebuilding of Buddha Statues, we need to see how Afghan society positions and accepts it, although there are few technological difficulties. The background of destruction of the Buddha Statues was a history of conflicts and slaughters between different ethnic groups and sects. Even if it is rebuilt, it should not cause another conflict. “

For monuments and museums, we can fully utilize Japan’s unique technology. A Japanese painter of Tokyo University of the Arts, Dr. Masaaki Miyasako, developed a method of reproducing Bamiyan’s ceiling paintings and burned Japanese ancient Horyuji temple’s paintings as “Cloned Cultural Properties” with precise image data and three-dimensional measurement technology.

Discussion will continue at the working group of the Afghan government. The direction of the discussion including the pros and cons of rebuilding will be reported to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in July.

Senior Journalist   Yukifumi Takeuchi

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