Japan’s Determination Tried at the Island Summit How to face the Pacific Island Countries to Reform the Regional Structure

『International Development Journal』 2018 july edition

The 8th Pacific Islands Summit (PALM 8) was held in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, May 18 – 19. Although main stream media paid attention to the leaders’ declaration mentioning the Japanese Government’s “Free and Open India-Pacific Strategy” and North Korean issues, the regional integration initiative among the Pacific islands is moving forward. We focus on the role of Japan’s cooperation in this region and the future.

Strengthened PIF Secretariat Influence

It is the second time that PALM was held at the Spa Resort Hawaiians, which became famous in the Japanese movie “Hula Girls”. The Leaders Meeting began at 8:30 in the tropical mood hotel. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe welcomed in his keynote speech New Caledonia and French Polynesia who participated for the first time this year.

PALM was held every three years and started in 1997 as a partnership conference with the member countries / regions of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), a regional cooperation organization in the Pacific island region. PIF has been a forerunner of the South Pacific Forum since 1971 and is engaged not only among member countries but also with donor countries such as Japan, China and the United States. While PIF members include Australia and New Zealand as developed countries, New Caledonia and French Polynesia have officially joined recently as non-independent countries after their observer status for some years.

The PALM Leaders’ Declaration mentioned to Japan’s “Free and Open India-Pacific Strategy” for the  first time. Mr. Takehiro Kurosaki, lecturer at Tokai University Modern Education Center said, “looking at the name of the Indo-Pacific Strategy, it is hard to understand what kind of presence and significance  the Pacific State region has. It is necessary for Japan to clearly explain”.

Mr. Kurosaki thinks that Japan negotiated with PIF as a regional coordinator for the inclusion of North Korea and India Pacific strategies in the Leaders’ Declaration and the participation of New Caledonia and French Polynesia as non-independent countries. He also said that he is impressed with the stronger influence of the PIF Secretariat.

Discussing Regional Integration Initiatives

In recent years, Mr. Kurosaki has been paying attention to the playing role of the PIF Secretariat. The reason is that the PIF secretariat is the center and the regional integration and regional community initiatives of the Pacific countries are being debated. PIF has promoted economic exchanges mainly in Australia and New Zealand under the “Pacific Plan” from 2005 for 15 years. And in 15 years, it is the concept of “Pacific regionalism” that develops to a more solid regional integration, even a community like the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

When this concept is realized, Mr. Kurosaki points out that “PIF may be like the European Parliament.”

However, opinion about this idea is divided broadly in each country / region. For example, a country in the Polynesian region with many immigrants to Australia and New Zealand is positive about this idea. On the other hand, Fiji, which is concerned about the expansion of the influence of Australia and New Zealand, opposed this, and said, “It should be limited to economic integration such as the formation of a common economic sphere”.

“In economic integration, it is difficult to make a common currency like the EU, but it makes business easier with Australia and New Zealand, and companies benefit,” Kurosaki says. Another expert commented, “Apart from Australia, trade and people’s movement between island countries are not very active, the effect is limited even if you remove tariffs and free people’s movements.”

Based on this argument, this plan is to be reviewed every ten years. There will be a PALM 9 held in 2020, which is the middle year, and Mr. Kurosaki observes, “It may be on the agenda at the island summit.”

China Moving Aid to Regional Organizations

In the PIF, there is the Pacific Regional Organization Council (CROP) consisting of eight regional specialized agencies such as the South Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO) as a subsidiary. In promoting Pacific regionalism, the role of these regional specialized agencies will also become important. And in recent years China has expanded its assistance to these regional organizations.

China has developed bilateral aid to the Pacific island countries. However, there are six countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan in this area, compared to other areas, and there are aspects where assistance between bilaterals is difficult. Under such circumstances, China says it supports activities such as PIF and SPTO, and is moving to building relationships.

Palau is also one of the countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. In this country, a direct flight to Shanghai started around 2013, and tourists from China began to increase. It has increased sharply to 80,000, which is far larger than the annual number of Japanese tourists of 40,000.

However, President Tommy Lemensau is considering the conservation of tourism resources and relations with Taiwan, and this momentum has been paused. The number of direct flights with Palau has been reduced, and destinations have also been moved outside Shanghai. Nevertheless, China’s aid is indispensable for the northern part of the country where development has not progressed, and its attitude towards China is divided into two in the same country.

JICA Expands Human Resource Development Support

On the other hand, Palau highly appreciated Japan’s support at PALM 8. In this PALM, 13 countries leaders met Dr.Shinichi Kitaoka, President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It was the first time for JICA to hold such talks on how to cooperate in the future, including support measures at PALM 8. JICA’s chief of Wakasugi, who was present at the talks, said, “There were many heads of state leaders who referred to the activities of the Youth Overseas Cooperation Volunteers in each country, especially in Palau, where the contribution of the crew members in the waste disposal field was highly appreciated.”

After these talks, JICA plans to further promote grant aid and human resource development support. In PALM 8, as a “pillar of Japan’s support measures,” 5,000 personnel training and exchange “in three years was raised.

As one of the projects contributing to this is “Pacific Island Country Leader Education Support Program (Pacific-LEADS), “we invite administrative officials and others to Japan and provide a master’s degree in postgraduate school and provide opportunities for internship training at ministries and municipalities. The invitation began in 2016, and in August, 2018, the third batch of 21 people will be coming to Japan. The first batch is planning to return home in the future, but one of them has already returned to his home country Tonga as an outstanding achiever.

It is similar to the Industrial Human Resources Development Initiative for youth in Africa (ABE Initiative), but Pacific-LEADS is targeted to administrative officials. In Pacific island countries, there are voices calling for similar opportunities for young people such as high school students and college students, and in the future it may be good to have a program that broadens the target.

Among 5,000 human resource development includes the training and exchange of 500 marine human resources in areas such as maritime security and marine environmental conservation. Against this, JICA says it is considering a new approach in the future.

Expanding the Footprint to the TICAD Model

In addition, JICA has established the “Pacific Island Country / Japan Local Government Network”, and is trying to raise interest in this area in supporting overseas expansion of companies. These efforts are very important.

Because the island summit has been held eight times so far, it cannot be said that the awareness in Japan is high. Mr. Kobayashi of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation Ocean Policy Research Institute said, “In addition to the intergovernmental dialogue, we can expand the base of the actors of the island summit, such as companies, NGOs, research institutes, and like the African Development Council (TICAD).”

In addition, Mr. Kobayashi emphasizes not only cross-sector cooperation, such as waste and ocean, but also “regional specialized cooperation and research is necessary”. “To that end, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with regional organizations such as the country and PIF, etc. Evolve the program of international cooperation in Japan to the Pacific island countries by making schemes like the JPO dispatch system for local organizations as well. “

The Pacific island nations side is also calling for further cooperation and economic exchange in Japan. At the Fiji Trade and Investment Meeting held on June 4 by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Tokyo Office, ambassador to Ishii Keri, Uruinairai and Matthaiga had expressed expectations for Japan. “Between Fiji and Japan, regular direct flights start in July, and we hope to evolve the relationship with this opportunity and to make use of Japanese technology and business knowledge for Fiji’s industrial development.” How will Japan respond to such needs? The determination of the island country Japan is being tried.

Jounalist  Saki Kawada

***** 以下、日本語原文 *****



















  他方、パラオはPALM8において日本の支援を高く評価した。今回のPALMでは、国際協力機構(JICA)の北岡伸一理事長がなど13カ国の首脳と会談を行なった。JICAがこうした会談を設けるのは初めてで、PALM8における支援策など今後の協力の在り方について話し合われた。会談に同席したJICAの若杉  課長は、「青年海外協力隊各国での活動に言及する首脳が多かった。特に、パラオでは廃棄物処理分野で隊員の貢献が高く評価され、パラオのレメンゲサウ大統領は『隊員には必ず会う』と言っていた」と振り返る。



  アフリカの若者のための産業人材育成イニシアティブ(ABEイニシアティブ)に似た取り組みだが、Pacific-LEADSは行政官を対象としている。太平洋島嶼国では高校生や大学生などの若者にそうした機会を求める声もある 。







編集  川田 沙姫

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